When looking for a piece of Lapis Lazuli, there are several things to take into consideration to ensure you get the best quality piece within your budget.

AMILLA - Lapis Lazuli Mini Earrings
Lapis lazuli is not a very hard stone, it only ranks at 5 to 5.5. on the Mohs scale, hailing primarily from Afghanistan and the Middle East. Lapis Lazuli is a combination of several different types of minerals.
The first component is lazurite. Lazurite is the most prominent mineral contained in Lapis and is responsible for the vibrant blue color of the stone.
Calcite is another component and it is white in color. An abundance of calcite will appear as a white streak or thin line on the surface of the stone.
The third component of Lapis is pyrite. Pyrite is silver or gold in color and is responsible for the small shiny flecks often seen on the surface of Lapis.
Lapis ranges in colors from deep dark blue to blueish greens and violets. Traditionally and most ideally, Lapis will be dark blue in color with very little to no visible inclusions of calcite and pyrite. These so-called perfect stones are most typically found in the mines of Afghanistan.
Finding a Lapis without any visible calcite or pyrite inclusions, however, is nearly impossible so inclusions don’t necessarily bring down the value of the stone. Many people actually find that they desire the white streaks of calcite or the shimmering flecks of pyrite in their stones.

AMILLA - Lapis Lazuli Drop Earrings
While Lapis Lazuli is not a rare stone, high-quality specimens can be hard to find. Most Lapis on the market is natural, but you might come across imitation to enhanced material masquerading as the real thing.
Imitation Lapis Lazuli
Colored glass and plastics are commonly used to imitate Lapis. These materials can be changed to mimic the appearance of the traditional dark blue speckled surface of authentic Lapis.
If you are unsure if your Lapis jewelry is authentic, a gemologist or high-end jeweler will give you an honest opinion. Doing your research is absolutely necessary when purchasing a piece of Lapis.
Enhanced Lapis Lazuli
While Lapis is generally not treated or enhanced, dying, waxing, and resin impregnation are sometimes done to enhance the color of Lapis Lazuli.
These methods can make a gemstone unstable and there is the possibility that the color enhancement will fade with time.
When it comes to Lapis Lazuli jewelry, the simpler the cut, the more the stone will exhibit its natural beauty. Typical cuts for Lapis are round and oval, usually cut as a cabochon. Lapis is common in jewelry and is often paired with other stones that are thought to carry a similar spiritual power as Lapis.